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All the information about the legal opinions of the Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Supreme Court of Republika Srpska, the Supreme Court of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Court of Brcko are available on the database of court decisions within the Judicial Documentation Centre of the High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council of Bosnia and Herzegovina. There are also decisions of the In the Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina which are available in the database, as long as an appeal for the case was filed to the court.

There are currently 10 232 decisions available in the database. 6207 decisions are on civil matters, 3093 on criminal law and 932 on the administrative field. Decisions can be searched by various parameters as, for example, the number of the decision, the date of the decision, the name of the court that issued the decision etc. A search can be performed by legal terms and free text, i.e. acts against the safety of public transport, recognition of foreign court decisions, termination of employment and so on.

To get a user name and a password, you can contact the Judicial Documentation Centre by e-mail:

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